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Bach & St John

A highlight of our Easter celebrations will be the event at North Aston on April 4th, Easter Eve.

As part of the launch of the new Hauptwerk/Magnus Britannia organ there, we are holding an evening entitled "Bach & St John". It promises to be an amazing occasion.

Our rector, Marcus Green, will read the second half of St John's Gospel (Lazarus to the Resurrection, with one or two bits missed out), and Tackley organist and university professor Peter Read will intersperse the readings with pieces of organ music by JS Bach.

Marcus says: "In my previous parish we did something similar with Romans & Bach, and it was more beautiful than we ever expected; but I think this will even surpass that!"

The new organ at North Aston is the result of a gift, and is the first of its kind to be installed in the Oxford Diocese. Its digital technology uses some of the best sampling techniques available to bring sounds from the organ of Hereford Cathedral into our beautiful village church. The organ arrived for Christmas, and the speakers will be fully installed in mid-March. The last details will be complete by the time of our Easter event, and we hope to hold another full evening of music to celebrate the new organ later in April.

All our Holy Week and Easter services are advertised on the What's On page of the website.

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