Mental Health Awareness
After some months of researching and working together Harriet and Martin drew the benefice’s attention to mental health in a service on...
The New Tackley Organ
Since Victorian times, many churches have installed organs to accompany singing and provide music at religious services. Before this,...
Snowdrops in Tackley
It's the time of year when many churchyards have wonderful displays of snowdrops. St Nicholas Tackley is no exception, with a...
Advent Crib Scenes
In 2020, many of you contributed to a daily post to showcase the incredible variety of Crib Scenes that we all have between us. As we...
Have you ever been to.........Tackley?
Well of course I have! I can hear voices saying and I too have often been to services in the lovely old church of St Nicholas, set on...
Our New Rector Writes
Thank you to everyone who came and helped make my licensing and installation service so special and memorable. To be supported by so...
Introductory message from Rev Harriet Orridge
"Thank you for inviting me to come and join you as Rector. As a way of introducing myself, I’ve been asked to write a brief biography. I...
Advertising for a New Rector
The advertisement for a new Rector for our Benefice is now in the Church Times, on Pathways and the Diocese of Oxford website, with a...
Harvest Supper in Steeple Aston
Celebrating Harvest with a convivial supper in the village hall has been a long-standing tradition at St Peter and St Paul in Steeple...
Statement from the Bishop of Oxford: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Her Majesty the Queen has been a cherished presence in all of our lives and for the whole of our lives. She has been our example and a...
Steeple Aston Building Project
For now, our building project is on hold. Thanks to a lot of hard work and generosity we have excellent plans in place, and the PCC and...
Rector's Farewell
On Sunday 12 June we said farewell to our Rector. Following a generous collection, we presented him with a new bike for his new life in...
Jubilee Flower Festival in St Nicholas Church
The wonderful flower arrangers from many of the different groups and organisations in Tackley provided a spectacular display in the...