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Christian Aid

Early in May we were fortunate to be visited by Paul Valentin, International Director of Christian Aid. He spoke at two of our Benefice Churches, and told us of the amazing work Christian Aid does across the globe.

Focussing on families in Bangladesh, he helped us appreciate that even a little help from us can make a tremendous difference to people we will never know.

His heartfelt appeal was greatly appreciated by everyone in the parishes, and brought home to us the global connections which aren't simply a matter of items on the news but the truth of our common humanity.

Paul told us the story of Morsheda and as he did, we were all struck by how powerful it is that people like Paul are called to remember folk that the rest of us forget. We hope our Christian Aid week in the Benefice this year will play a small part in helping people like Morsheda know they are not forgotten.

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