A Creative Lent
At the end of January Steeple church had a reverse collection...
We gave out £10 to everyone in church. And we asked everyone to use this money in the manner of Jesus' parable of the Good Steward - to think what their gifts might be, and to put them to work over Lent, bringing back any profit they might make from the £10 to church on Palm Sunday or Easter.
Immediately ideas began to flow. Marmalade was in pots almost before the service was over! Cards were being made, coffee mornings were being planned...
The rector used his money to buy food; and he made supper for folk - and then put on a concert for the guests. It proved such a success two more events followed.
Katerina made small jewellery crosses, and (photo) Bishop Steven blessed them in the chapel at Church House, with a beautiful prayer, asking that God might use these tokens of his love to bring blessing, reconciliation and healing, and remind those who hold and wear them of Jesus' saving presence day by day.
All funds will go to helping Steeple church renew the furniture used in the coffee area in church. Whether the building project goes ahead or not, there is a real desire to serve our community better - heating & loos will make the building even better, but as it is we could open up more through the summer months and offer a place for all sorts of folk to find a welcome and a hope.
And that kind of sums up our Lent. In the beginning it felt like it was a fund-raising experience. It turns out to be about growing as a community, a family, as we use our creative gifts together and discover more of who we are and how we can serve our village together.