Resuming Public Worship
After a long break due to the COVID19 pandemic, public worship begins again in our Benefice on July 19th.
The services will be open air, and initially will be every fortnight. We will meet in our churchyards, and though there will be no singing at first, we will celebrate communion together. Orders of service will be emailed to everyone on the Rector's Ramblings list, and there will be copies available on the day for others.
We ask that people bring their own chairs or rugs to sit on, that everyone observe social distancing and that we all wear face coverings or masks. This last one will feel strange at first - but let's make a positive out of it: a prize will be awarded to the most colourful or creative mask each week!
Services will start at 10.30am. If it's pouring down in the morning, but forecast better in the afternoon we will postpone till 5pm. If bad weather is set in all day, the online Worship at Home service will be our only service that weekend.
Here is the poster that is already outside our churches advertising services over the next couple of months: