An Amazingly Generous Harvest!

Our final outdoor service of the summer (eight services planned, eight services completed in gloriously fine weather - thank you Lord!) was our Harvest Celebration. And this year all three of our churches joined in the annual Tackley tradition of a Harvest Auction - but with the twist of making it a fundraiser for local food banks. It was a bit chilly in the morning air in Tackley churchyard, but the bidding warmed us all up and auctioneer Paul Joslin jollied us along so that by the time the last lot went under the hammer, we had raised a stunning £637 to be split between the Banbury and Tackley food banks.
Amazingly, lots of people then re-donated food they had bid extraordinary amounts of money for, and so we will be taking all of those goods to the food banks in the next couple of days. Most of the tinned and packet goods will go to Banbury, and most of the fresh items will go to Tackley as the two food banks work on different systems, but in this way everything that has been given will be gladly accepted and will help people whose need is especially great in these difficult COVID days.
Thank you to everyone who came and gave so generously. Thank you to Paul and Laurence and Martin who ran the auction so efficiently. And next week - we go inside! Make sure you book your seat as we have to book for all services that take place inside our churches for the time being!