Concert for Ukraine
At the end of April, Steeple Aston church was packed to the doors as we hosted a fundraising concert for Ukraine. Nick Cleobury mastermind the evening, drawing together local musicians and singers and drawing on the skills of lighting experts and florists, as well as featuring the schoolchildren from Dr Radcliffe's and star opera singer Helen Sherman. James Darcy spoke about the work of UNICEF and the British Red Cross, the charities we had chosen as the focus of our giving to the Ukraine emergency.
The rector opened with a welcome and a prayer that reminded us of the serious nature of the evening - and then the music took over, encapsulating folk songs, hymns and opera, children's voices and the whole congregation joining in the Ukrainian anthem and 'You'll Never Walk Alone'.
Some of the wonderful Ukrainian people who have joined our community danced to a particularly joyful folk tune, and most of the rest of the congregation wanted to join in!
Enormous thanks to Nick and to all the participants and guests who joined us. It was an evening that none of us will ever forget. Our hearts reach out to our Ukrainian friends, and so far we have raised over £6,000 - a wonderful token of love and kindness and of our hope for peace and restoration for the people of Ukraine.